

twit for twitter

I just hopped on the Twitter bandwagon, come follow me on twitter and we can all twit/tweet together :) I've also added the twitter widget to my sidebar so you can read when I tweet.

p.s. I know I've disappeared, I'm in the shits right now, give me sometime and I'll be back again :) 


it'll all get better in time

Things that have kept me going:
1. Watching the sunrise from my favourite cliff in Sydney a few days ago. It was spectacular.
2. Late night heart-to-hearts with people I love.
3. Lazing around the house watching Foxtel and eating everything we can find in the kitchen with people I love.
4. Exchanging funny stories over late night drinks with new and old friends.
5. Surprise cupcakes.
6. Doing something I've always wanted to do- like piercing my tongue.
7. Emails that make me cry and smile.
8. Having time to reflect
9. Talking to people I love on the phone that aren't physically with me right now
10. Laughing really hard over my misfortunes (like fainting after getting my tongue pierced)

I guess my late nights out partying have finally caught up with me because last Friday I injured my foot and was crippled until today. I'm still limping but at least I can walk without the help of crutches now. I'm hoping I'll be able to wear heels this weekend but that might be pushing it a little. I actually have yet to consume any alcohol since last Friday and have been absolutely fine without having to get drunk every single night. My liver is currently recuperating. Anyway, not going out every night gave me lots of time to just sit around and chill with my friends who were nice enough to sit around and chill with me. I also pierced my tongue which rendered me unable to eat for a day but I've been eating like a cow ever since. I honestly wonder where all the food goes to. I haven't eaten like this in a really, really long time. I have a tummy now! and fat covering my bones. This is not a good thing. 

I have a million and one things to do. And I should start doing them soon. I haven't touched my organiser in ages. There are bills to be paid, classes to be signed up for, shop assistants to negotiate with, laundry to be done, bedsheets to be washed, clothes to be drycleaned, floors to be mopped.

I shall leave you all with a few photos. I will be back soon. 

Thanks, mom.



to you;

I'm only asking one thing of you- please take care of yourself.
I'm worried sick about you. 
Please, please, please take care of yourself.
Don't do anything foolish.
It would kill me.
I love you.

in need of a miracle

Its six thirty-one am in the morning and I am struggling to keep awake in attempt to study for my econs finals which I am almost positive I'm going to fail. Old habits die hard. I told myself no more last minute study and look where I am now. Back to square one. There's always next sem. But I swear if I have to re-take microeconomics one more time, I'm going to fucking shoot myself in the head.

I had a desperate urge to cut my hair again today. And so I did. I don't like it :( But whats new. I wanted it really short and it basically looks exactly the same except shorter. Well, I have myself to blame- I forgot to bring a picture of the haircut I wanted and I basically gave her full creative license. Genius, Jude.
I look like a mole. Thats my grandma next to me- she nags at me to study and affectionately calls me fuckface and promises to buy me icecream (cheapskate) if I manage to pass economics.

This was taken at six eleven am, without make up, with a brain that doesn't function and still looking like a mole.

Ooh lookie, the sun is out! And its approximately seven hours till my exam. Better get back to work... Wish me luck! 


friday the thirteenth

My liver is crying. I've been drunk every night since last Friday.
But hey, whatever gets you through the day.
The weather has been rainy + cold + gloomy everyday of this week.
I think its time to say goodbye to Summer.
Amongst other goodbyes.
I don't like goodbyes.



devoid of all emotion

did i say broken.
oh yeah, broken.


fall to pieces now

Old habits die hard- I just spent half the morning rushing my Psych report. I'm so glad to have handed it in even though it was a couple (and I use this term loosely) of words short. Thanks for all the help- and for saving my procrastinating butt, C. I will not hand my essays in late anymore. I will not. I will not. I will not.

I'm so exhausted right now. I can't wait to go home and crawl under the covers and hide there forever. My weekend was spent getting drunk and recovering from hangover after hangover and the embarrassment that comes with morning-after flashbacks. No more vodka redbull double shots for me for awhile. Thank God I have friends who take care of my sorry ass- I'm ever grateful to you all ♥

I am a walking mess. Please dispose of my fallen pieces should you come across them.
I don't even know what I'm saying anymore- I think I need some sleep. I have this urge to eat crunchy nut cornflakes and bake a cupcake. I shall leave the library and go home to Ploy and my cuddly blanket, goodbye.