the thing that scares me the most is the future.
we had it all planned out.
and now...
i don't even know if i'll make it through the year if i have to get through it without you.
my parents are starting to notice that there is something wrong with me despite my happy facade around them. they are trying to force feed me with food because apparently, i look too pale and thin. and i'm sitting there at lunch trying to swallow every morsel with a smile when i can feel my body rejecting it already. its a horrible, horrible feeling. having to put up this happy facade around my parents is completely draining and exhausting. i wish i was alone for awhile.
how many nights will i have to cry myself to sleep before all this will be over?
open my eyes, i see sky
I keep hoping that this is just a horrible nightmare I'll wake up from. I keep hoping that I'll open my eyes and none of this would have ever happened and I'd still be your one & only, your everything. So I close my eyes and open them, but its not just a nightmare. Its real. Your fidelity and your heart is no longer with me. And I'm still as broken as I was before I opened my eyes again.
i woke, dreaming we had broke
dreaming you leftme
for someone new
and you cried
drying those brown eyes
crying your sorry
sorry won't do
but this is the way i need to wake
i wake to you
you never left me all i dreamt had been untrue
open my eyes
i see sky
sometimes i forget to love you like i should
but i'll never leave you know i never would
i never would
i will be fine
just say you'll stay forever mine
till we fall asleep tonight
You sang this song with me in your arms
and now everything that I held so close to me, isn't real anymore.
Get me out of this nightmare, please. Somebody, anybody. I'm so broken I don't think the pieces will fit together anymore. And somewhere across the state, someone else is happy and basking in your love. How is that fair?
(so not) a smart cookie
All my life, I've been brought up to believe that I was smart. That I absorbed things easily and grasped concepts quicker than a person of average intelligence. So with that belief in my head, I got complacent, lazy... I always got away with not studying and even though my results were not stellar, they were enough to get me by. I've lived with this notion throughout my primary, secondary and high school years. And I've always kind of believed it too. I guess I should have believed them when they said that University was the true test of your academic abilities. At the end of my first year, I realised that I wasn't as smart as I liked to think I was and I couldn't get away with my nonchalant attitude towards my studies. And I made up for being lazy all year by having to come back to Sydney early to do Summer School. Coming to Summer School made me sacrifice alot of things- like a possible trip overseas or spending more time in Thailand with Cher or spending time with my friends in Singapore. I had to sacrifice my time, my parent's money and my parent's time (since they flew back to Sydney to keep me company). I decided then, that I would start being a good, hardworking student and have a positive attitude to learning so I could prove myself. So I could prove that I could achieve good grades should I put more effort into my studies.
Boy, was I wrong there.
The past week, I've put a tremendous amount of effort into studying for my economics exam. I attended all my lectures and tutorials, did all the tutorial questions in my free time, went through the lecture notes, wrote my own study notes, did the practice MCQ questions and tried to understand the economic concepts. There were quite a few I still struggled to understand and barely grasped it before I sat the test. The test was challenging to me- the questions were tricky and the answers were not straightforward. It really tested your true understanding of economic concepts. But I thought I would do okay- I wouldn't fail, I probably wouldn't get a distinction, but I'd get a credit. A high credit, perhaps. I got the test results today.
I didn't fail. I didn't get a distinction. But I didn't get a credit. To be more specific, I passed by a mere mark. I PASSED BY ONE MARK. ALL THAT EFFORT I PUT IN AND I PASSED BY ONE MARK. I'm so embarrassed to announce my results publicly but I feel like its something I have to talk about.
When I was looking for my student number on the page of results, my heart was thumping with excitement and anticipation. At the back of my mind, I was hoping for a distinction (I secretly expected alot despite the test being challenging). I can't put into words the sheer disappointment I felt when I found my student number and saw my results. My heart literally sank into my stomach and now I feel discouraged and exhausted. I suppose at some level I always knew that I wasn't as smart as everyone said I was and as smart as I liked to believe I was. And I always protected myself from this disappointment by not putting any effort into my studies. Putting so much effort into something and not getting anything remotely good back is extremely draining and disappointing. (C.Chomp: If you're reading this, I get why you were depressed now)
The old me would have probably taken this discouragement and exhaustion and given up. But no, I will not give up. I will work twice as hard for the next test and make sure I fully understand economic concepts before I sit for it again. This embarrassing test result is not going to discourage me from aiming for a distinction. I know I can do it if I try harder. I will push myself to my academic limits and make sure I get something out of this. I am not giving up.
Boy, was I wrong there.
The past week, I've put a tremendous amount of effort into studying for my economics exam. I attended all my lectures and tutorials, did all the tutorial questions in my free time, went through the lecture notes, wrote my own study notes, did the practice MCQ questions and tried to understand the economic concepts. There were quite a few I still struggled to understand and barely grasped it before I sat the test. The test was challenging to me- the questions were tricky and the answers were not straightforward. It really tested your true understanding of economic concepts. But I thought I would do okay- I wouldn't fail, I probably wouldn't get a distinction, but I'd get a credit. A high credit, perhaps. I got the test results today.
I didn't fail. I didn't get a distinction. But I didn't get a credit. To be more specific, I passed by a mere mark. I PASSED BY ONE MARK. ALL THAT EFFORT I PUT IN AND I PASSED BY ONE MARK. I'm so embarrassed to announce my results publicly but I feel like its something I have to talk about.
When I was looking for my student number on the page of results, my heart was thumping with excitement and anticipation. At the back of my mind, I was hoping for a distinction (I secretly expected alot despite the test being challenging). I can't put into words the sheer disappointment I felt when I found my student number and saw my results. My heart literally sank into my stomach and now I feel discouraged and exhausted. I suppose at some level I always knew that I wasn't as smart as everyone said I was and as smart as I liked to believe I was. And I always protected myself from this disappointment by not putting any effort into my studies. Putting so much effort into something and not getting anything remotely good back is extremely draining and disappointing. (C.Chomp: If you're reading this, I get why you were depressed now)
The old me would have probably taken this discouragement and exhaustion and given up. But no, I will not give up. I will work twice as hard for the next test and make sure I fully understand economic concepts before I sit for it again. This embarrassing test result is not going to discourage me from aiming for a distinction. I know I can do it if I try harder. I will push myself to my academic limits and make sure I get something out of this. I am not giving up.
From the bottom of my sunken heart,
to zhi, my greatest friend:
Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart!!!
I owe you, big time!
I don't know anyone else who would go out of their way to do me a favour like that.
I'm soooo grateful :)
I'm going to buy you a cuddle blankie so you know why I want it so desperately.
Love you to bits
I owe you, big time!
I don't know anyone else who would go out of their way to do me a favour like that.
I'm soooo grateful :)
I'm going to buy you a cuddle blankie so you know why I want it so desperately.
Love you to bits
things that make me smile (i)
1) One of my favourite photos of Cher&I & the caramel scented candle placed on my bedside table
2) My new Yamaha FG700MS Acoustic Guitar (I'm learning!)

3) My Le Petit Prince music box

4) My babies that sleep with me everynight- Tumble, Big Toe & Khun Nim (I actually have another bunny but shes in the wash- her name is sleepy in thai)

5) The painting Zhi did for my 19th birthday :)

5) The painting Zhi did for my 19th birthday :)
6) My little ponies (excuse the unfilled photoframes- I haven't actually been bothered to stick photos inside just yet) & the Tofu family Cher caught for me from those machines with claw-like thingies that rip your money off but you can't help but play anyway

9) My little eggmen that remind me of Cher (she has an egghead and I believe she looks just like the smallest of the eggmen)
9) My Phantom of the Opera musical snowglobe that Cher got for me when we went to watch Phantom of the Opera together last year :)
10) My diptyque candles & Dr. Seuss books I read to Cher before we go to bed
I'm in a chipper mood today for a number of reasons:
- I'm done with my first economics exam (ugh the paper was unexpectedly difficult) and although it was difficult I don't think I'm going to fail
- I bought a guitar and have started learning how to play chords (my fingers are crying)
- I finally managed to get my hands on Breaking Dawn (!!!) I've been trying to get it for the past few weeks but its been sold out everywhere.
Off to start on Breaking Dawn! :) Is everyone else staying up to watch the inauguration like I am?
XoXOXo ♥
one word:
อดทน - the thai word for endure. When I am at my very lowest and I am down on my knees begging the world to swallow me whole, this word comes to mind. Sure, things get rough; they are bound to get rough, but I will stick out out and อดทน. Everything will be fine. I will get through this horrible please-shoot-me-already period and when I do, I will look back on it and laugh and be in my happy rainbow-coloured bubble of joy and invincibility where I'm floating above everyone and no one can reach out and burst it. 
image taken from flickr
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I have my economics exam tomorrow and to be frank, I'm petrified. I haven't studied this hard in months and I am aching to prove myself. I'm aching to prove that no, I am NOT stupid- yes, I can do well in economics and yeah I'm not completely useless after all. I haven't cared about doing well in an exam since the HSC (only cos I would have been murdered if I didn't get into university) and I am totally not used to night-before exam jitters. Perhaps its time to put mindfulness meditation therapy that they always talk about in Psych to use. Who am I kidding? They tried that shit on me during an experiment and all I could think about was how big the experimenter's boobs were.
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close my eyes & I count to ten-
everything will be wonderful again
x's & o's
messy markets

Spent a beautiful Sunday morning with the rents taking a stroll through Centennial Park and shopping at Bondi Markets :) It was nice just spending time with them. I haven't really had a day out with them since they've been here. Of course, shopping was an added bonus ;)
Temporary highs and late night lows- I'm exhausted.
I need you, babe.
Gotta go squeeze more redundant economic information into my brain :(
Hope everyone had a great weekend
monumental moments (i)
Case 1:

Evidence that I, Judy Ng, spent my entire Saturday afternoon (fo real) having a productive STUDY session at White Apple. I think this is the hardest I've studied in years (fo real). Summer School does wonders, I say. I managed to plow through 5 chapters of Economics garbage in an afternoon without being distracted by my nails, toenails, random lint that happened to land on my shirt, my pen, anything that is remotely more interesting than price ceilings/demand&supply/consumer surplus/economicsfjksdjfueh. And this, closes monumental moment case one.
P.S. Remind me not to eat BBQ beef (no matter how yummy) while recovering from a sore throat. Because it comes back and hits you ten times as bad as before :( I sound like a toad.
sorrowful summer nights

image taken from: flickr
Coming back early for Summer School has done me a lot of good in many ways. I actually go to lessons now and am beginning to enjoy them. I do housework & laundry on a very frequent basis (as compared to once & only(!) when absolutely necessary last year), I have learnt how to cook simple but delicious dishes, I am starting to take public transport instead of cabbing everywhere, I am extremely productive, neat and I don't spend money as impulsively as I did before. I keep myself completely occupied with school work and other appointments on balmy summer days and wind down by taking frequent trips to the beach. I am fine during the day. I would almost go so far as to say there are moments where I feel accomplished and happy.
BUT! The moment night falls, every single emotion I have been avoiding and running away from during the day hits like an icy cold wave and drags me into the deep currents of my mind. I can't escape. The emptiness and the hollowness that I have been trying so hard to fill with activity after activity will not go away at night. I feel paralysed with sorrow and don't understand how merely missing someone can affect anyone this much. Being with someone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and having to get used to being without them for an indefinite period of time is excruciatingly painful. I hate the nights and I hope it will get easier. I hope the tears will no longer roll down my cheeks and stain my pillows. I hope that one day, I'll get used to being away from you. Because right now, being away from you is making me feel like I should be taking prozac.
I miss you babe,
come back already.
two oh-oh nine